Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Create and activate a new Amazon Web Services account

Create AWS Free account

  1. Go to the Amazon Web Services home page.
  2. Choose Sign Up.
    Note: If you've signed in to AWS recently, the button might say Sign In to the Console.
  3. Enter your account information, and then choose Continue.
    Important: Be sure that you enter your account information correctly, especially your email address. If you enter your email address incorrectly, you won't be able to access your account. If Create a new AWS account isn't visible, first choose Sign in to a different account, and then choose to Create a new AWS account.
  4. Choose Personal or Professional.
    Note: Personal accounts and professional accounts have the same features and functions.
  5. Enter your company or personal information.
  6. Read and accept the AWS Customer Agreement.
    Note: Be sure that you read and understand the terms of the AWS Customer Agreement.
  7. Choose Create Account and Continue.

You receive an email to confirm that your account is created. You can sign in to your new account using the email address and password you supplied. However, you can't use AWS services until you finish activating your account.
Add a payment method
On the Payment Information page, enter the information about your payment method, and then choose Secure Submit.
Note: If you want to use a different address for your AWS account, choose to Use a new address before you choose Secure Submit.
Verify your phone number
  1. Choose whether you want to verify your account by Text message (SMS) or a voice call.
  2. Choose your country or region code from the list.
  3. Enter a phone number where you can be reached in the next few minutes.
  4. Enter the code displayed in the captcha.
  5. When you're ready, choose to Contact me. In a few moments, an automated system will contact you.
    Note: If you chose to verify your account by SMS, choose to Send SMS instead.
  6. Enter the PIN you receive by text message or voice call, and then choose Continue.


Amazon Web Services (AWS) क्या है?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) क्या है?

AWS यानी Amazon Web Services एक ऐसी Remote Computing Service है जो कि हमें Cloud Computing Service देती है वह भी Unlimited Bandwidth और Customer Support के साथ| अब यह Cloud Computing Service हम अपनी Website या Blog के लिए इस्तेमाल करें या फिर किसी Apps के लिए|

सन 2006 में Cloud Solution Amazon ने AWS यानी Amazon Web Services का Concept दीया था और फिर Amazon कि अपनी IT Management ने AWS यानी Amazon Web Services को तैयार किया लेकिन उस समय AWS की कीमत बहुत ज्यादा थी और इसकी Bandwidth Storage भी बहुत कम हुआ करती थी|
इस से होता यह था कि अगर कोई User Amazon से AWS की Service खरीदता था तो उसकी Website या Blog पर कभी कभी Server down रहता था क्योंकि AWS मैं Hosting की Bandwidth Storage बहुत ही कम थी| लेकिन आहिस्ता-आहिस्ता Amazon ने यह परेशानी दूर कर दी और उस समय Amazon ने AWS को Webstore का नाम दीया लेकिन अब यह AWS यानी Amazon Web Services के नाम से मशहूर है| अब इसमें हमें Unlimited Bandwidth Storage मिलती है और Fully 24×7 Customer Support के साथ| जैसा कि हम सब जानते हैं कि Amazon Top most कंपनियों में से एक कंपनी है और हम इस पर भरोसा कर सकते हैं|

AWS (Amazon Web Services) Service List-

Amazon Web Services हमें बहुत सारी Services Provide करता है लेकिन यह हमारी Domain पर depend करता है कि हमारी Domain किस पर है जैसे कि-
  1. Compute
  2. Storage
  3. Migration
  4. Networking & Content Delivery
  5. Management Tools
  6. Security 
  7. Messaging

#1 Compute

अगर हमारे पास एक Computing Domain है यानी के हम अपने Data को किसी दूसरे डाटा के साथ Compute यानी जोड़ना चाहते है तो इसके लिए AWS हमें कई तरह की Services देता है जैसे कि-
  • Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)
  • Lambda
  • Elastic Beanstalk
  • Amazon LightSail

#2 Storage

यदि आपके पास एक Storage Domain है और आपको उस Domain का जितना भी Data है वह आप Store करना होता है तो इसके लिए AWS हमें बहुत तरह की Services देता है और वह Services यह है-
  • Amazon Simple Storage Service (S3)
  • Elastic Block Store
  • Amazon Glacier
  • AWS SnowBall
#3 Migration
अगर हमारे पास एक Migration Domain है यानी के हम उस Domain मैं Data का लेनदेन करते हैं यानी के Data को एक जगह से दूसरी जगह भेजते हैं तो इसीलिए AWS हमें दो तरह की अच्छी Services देता है और वह अच्छी Services यह है-
  • AWS Database Migration Service
  • AWS Snowball

#4 Network और Content Delivery

यदि हमारे पास एक Network और Content Delivery Domain है यानी के हमें Content को Network के through Migrate करना होता है तो इसके लिए AWS हमें दो तरह की खास Services देता है-
  • Amazon Route 53
  • AWS CloudFront

#5 Management Tools

अगर आपके पास एक Management Domain है example के तौर पर आप मान लीजिए कि आपके पास एक Financial Domain और उस Financial Domain मैं आपके Customers की पूरी जानकारी है और आप उस जानकारी को Manage करना चाहते हो, तो AWS आपको तीन तरह की Services देता है जिसकी मदद से आप Data को आसानी से Manage कर सकते है और वह तीन Services यह है-
  • AWS CloudWatch
  • AWS CloudFormation
  • AWS CloudTrail

#6 Security या Identity Purpose

यदि आपके पास एक Security या Identity Purpose Domain है यानी के आप Data को या फिर जितने भी Users की Identity को आप Secure करना होता है तो इसके लिए AWS हमें 3 तरह की Services देता है जैसे कि-
  • AWS Shield

#7 Messaging

अगर आपके पास एक Messaging Domain है यानी के कोई Social Domain है जहां पर आपके Users Messages या फिर Emails एक जगह से दूसरी जगह पर भेजते हैं तो इसी चीज को Host करने के लिए AWS हमें 4 तरह की Services देता है और वह 4 तरह की Services यह है-
  • Amazon SQS
  • Amazon SNS
  • Amazon SES

Monday, July 15, 2019

How To Install Jenkins on CentOS 7.5

How To Install Jenkins on CentOS 7.5

Jenkins is an open source, Java-based automation server that offers
an easy way to set up continuous integration and continuous delivery
(CI/CD) pipeline. Continuous integration (CI) is a DevOps practice in
which team members regularly commit their code changes to the
version control repository, after which automated builds and tests are run.
Continuous delivery (CD) is a series of practices where the code
changes are automatically built, tested and deployed to production.
This tutorial will walk you through the steps of installing Jenkins on
a CentOS 7.5 

Installing Jenkins

To install Jenkins on your CentOS system, follow the steps below:

  1. Jenkins is a Java application, so the first step is to install Java. 
Run the following command to install the OpenJDK 8 package:

sudo yum install java-1.8.0-openjdk-devel

  1. The next step is to enable the Jenkins repository. To do that,
 import the GPG key using the following curl command:

curl --silent --location http://pkg.jenkins-ci.org/redhat-stable/jenkins.repo | sudo tee /etc/yum.repos.d/jenkins.repo
  1. And add the repository to your system with:

sudo rpm --import https://jenkins-ci.org/redhat/jenkins-ci.org.key

  1. Once the repository is enabled, install the latest stable version of Jenkins by 
sudo yum install jenkins

  1. After the installation process is completed, start the Jenkins service with:
sudo systemctl start jenkins

  1. To check whether it started successfully run:
systemctl status jenkins

You should see something similar to this:
jenkins.service - LSB: Jenkins Automation Server
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/rc.d/init.d/jenkins; bad;
vendor preset: disabled)
   Active: inactive (dead)
     Docs: man:systemd-sysv-generator(8)

  1. Finally enable the Jenkins service to start on system boot.

sudo systemctl enable jenkins

Setting Up Jenkins

To set up your new Jenkins installation, open your browser and type your domain or IP address followed by port 8080:

A screen similar to the following will appear, prompting you to enter the Administrator password that is created during the installation:

Use the following command to print the password on your terminal:

sudo cat var/lib/jenkins/secrets/initialAdminPassword

You should see a 32-character long alphanumeric password as shown below:

Copy the password from your terminal, paste it into the Administrator password field and click Continue.

On the next screen, you will be asked whether you want to install the suggested plugins or to select specific plugins. Click on the Install suggested plugins box, and the installation process will start immediately.

Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted to set up the first administrative user. Fill out all required information and click Save and Continue.

On the next page, you will be asked to set the URL for the Jenkins instance. The URL field will be populated with an automatically generated URL.
To complete the setup confirm the URL by clicking on the Save and Finish button.

Finally, click on the Start using Jenkins button and you will be redirected to the Jenkins dashboard logged in as the admin user you have created in one of the previous steps.

If you’ve reached this point, you’ve successfully installed Jenkins on your CentOS system.

Tuesday, July 9, 2019

python string concatenation

Python string concatenation

#Python String concatenation Example

a = "Python"
b = "scripting"

print (a+b)

# Adding space in two word
print (a+" "+b)
#Python scripting

#Adding new line between words
print (a+'\n'+b)

#concatenation using Join
print (' '.join([a, b]))
#Python scripting

#two String join
print (' '.join(["Hello", "World"]))
#Hello World

#Join using different character
print (','.join(['apple','banana','strawberry']))

result = x+y
print (result)

result = 'Hello' +' ' +'World'
print (result)
#hello world

Monday, July 8, 2019

Python String condition

Python String Condition

# Python String Variable Demonstration

# Declaration

#condition in a string with small latter
print ('t' in x)

#condition in a string with a capital letter
print ('T' in x)

#String print
print (x)

# String length printed
print (len(x))

#How to add a new line in print
x= "Python\nTest"

#How to add a new line in print
x= 'Python\nTest'

#How to avoid special character
x = r'Python\nTest'
print (x)

Script Reference: 

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