Tuesday, February 15, 2022

Foundations of Probability in Python - Datacamp course | Solution

Foundations of Probability in Python - Datacamp course | Solution

Course Description

Probability is the study of regularities that emerge in the outcomes of random experiments. In this course, you’ll learn about fundamental probability concepts like random variables (starting with the classic coin flip example) and how to calculate mean and variance, probability distributions, and conditional probability. We’ll also explore two very important results in probability: the law of large numbers and the central limit theorem. Since probability is at the core of data science and machine learning, these concepts will help you understand and apply models more robustly. Chances are everywhere, and the study of probability will change the way you see the world. Let’s get random!

Chapter -1

1. Let’s start flipping coins

A coin flip is the classic example of a random experiment. The possible outcomes are heads or tails. This type of experiment, known as a Bernoulli or binomial trial, allows us to study problems with two possible outcomes, like “yes” or “no” and “vote” or “no vote.” This chapter introduces Bernoulli experiments, binomial distributions to model multiple Bernoulli trials, and probability simulations with the scipy library.

Flipping coins

This exercise requires the bernoulli object from the scipy.stats library to simulate the two possible outcomes from a coin flip, 1 (“heads”) or 0 (“tails”), and the numpy library (loaded as np) to set the random generator seed.

You’ll use the bernoulli.rvs() function to simulate coin flips using the size argument.

You will set the random seed so you can reproduce the results for the random experiment in each exercise.

From each experiment, you will get the values of each coin flip. You can add the coin flips to get the number of heads after flipping 10 coins using the sum() function.

1. Import bernoulli from scipy.stats, set the seed with np.random.seed(). Simulate 1 flip, with a 35% chance of heads.

from scipy.stats import bernoulli


coin_flip = bernoulli.rvs(p=.35, size=1)


Use bernoulli.rvs() and sum() to get the number of heads after 10 coin flips with 35% chance of getting heads.

# Import the bernoulli object from scipy.stats

from scipy.stats import bernoulli

# Set the random seed to reproduce the results


# Simulate ten coin flips and get the number of heads

ten_coin_flips = bernoulli.rvs(p=.35, size=10)

coin_flips_sum = sum(ten_coin_flips)


Using bernoulli.rvs() and sum(), try to get the number of heads after 5 flips with a 50% chance of getting heads.

# Import the bernoulli object from scipy.stats

from scipy.stats import bernoulli

# Set the random seed to reproduce the results


# Simulate ten coin flips and get the number of heads

five_coin_flips = bernoulli.rvs(p=.50, size=5)

coin_flips_sum = sum(five_coin_flips)


Using binom to flip even more coins

Previously, you simulated 10 coin flips with a 35% chance of getting heads using bernoulli.rvs().

This exercise loads the binom object from scipy.stats so you can use binom.rvs() to simulate 20 trials of 10 coin flips with a 35% chance of getting heads on each coin flip.

Use the binom.rvs() function to simulate 20 trials of 10 coin flips with a 35% chance of getting heads.

# Set the random seed to reproduce the results


# Simulate 20 trials of 10 coin flips

draws = binom.rvs(n=10, p=.35, size=20)


Predicting the probability of defects

Any situation with exactly two possible outcomes can be modeled with binomial random variables. For example, you could model if someone likes or dislikes a product, or if they voted or not.

Let’s model whether or not a component from a supplier comes with a defect. From the thousands of components that we got from a supplier, we are going to take a sample of 50, selected randomly. The agreed and accepted defect rate is 2%.

We import the binom object from scipy.stats.

Recall that:

binom.pmf() calculates the probability of having exactly k heads out of n coin flips.

binom.cdf() calculates the probability of having k heads or less out of n coin flips.

binom.sf() calculates the probability of having more than k heads out of n coin flips.


Let’s answer a simple question before we start calculating probabilities:

What is the probability of getting more than 20 heads from a fair coin after 30 coin flips?

Possible Answers

· binom.pmf(k=20, n=30, p=0.5)

· 1 — binom.pmf(k=20, n=30, p=0.5)

· binom.sf(k=20, n=30, p=0.5) — Answer

· binom.cdf(k=20, n=30, p=0.5)

# Probability of getting exactly 1 defective component

prob_one_defect = binom.pmf(k=1, n=50, p=0.02)


# Probability of not getting any defective components

prob_no_defects = binom.pmf(k=0, n=50, p=0.02)


# Probability of getting 2 or less defective components

prob_two_or_less_defects = binom.cdf(k=2, n=50, p=0.02)


Predicting employment status

Consider a survey about employment that contains the question “Are you employed?” It is known that 65% of respondents will answer “yes.” Eight survey responses have been collected.

We load the binom object from scipy.stats with the following code: from scipy.stats import binom

Answer the following questions using pmf(), cdf(), and sf().

Calculate the probability of getting exactly 5 yes responses.

# Calculate the probability of getting exactly 5 yes responses

prob_five_yes = binom.pmf(k=5, n=8, p=0.65)


Calculate the probability of getting 3 or fewer no responses.

prob_three_or_less_no = 1-binom.cdf(k=3, n=8, p=0.65)


Calculate the probability of getting more than 3 yes responses using binom.sf().

prob_more_than_three_yes = binom.sf(k=3, n=8, p=0.65)


Predicting burglary conviction rate

four_solved = binom.pmf(k=4, n=9, p=0.20)


more_than_three_solved = binom.sf(k=3, n=9, p=0.2)


two_or_three_solved = binom.pmf(k=2, n=9, p=0.2) + binom.pmf(k=3, n=9, p=0.2)


tail_probabilities = binom.cdf(k=1, n=9, p=0.2) + binom.sf(k=7, n=9, p=0.2)


How do you calculate the expected value and the variance from a binomial distribution with parameters n=10 and p=0.25?

Possible Answers

binom.stats(n=10, p=0.25) — Ans

binom.pmf(k=5, n=10,p=0.25)

describe(binom.rvs(n=10, p=0.25, size=100)).mean

describe(binom.rvs(n=10, p=0.25, size=100)).variance

Calculating the sample mean

sample_of_100_flips = binom.rvs(n=1, p=0.5, size=100)

sample_mean_100_flips = describe(sample_of_100_flips).mean


sample_mean_1000_flips = describe(binom.rvs(n=1, p=0.5, size=1000)).mean

sample_mean_2000_flips = describe(binom.rvs(n=1, p=0.5, size=2000)).mean


Checking the result

sample = binom.rvs(n=10, p=0.3, size=2000)

sample_describe = describe(sample)

mean = 10*0.3

variance = mean*(1–0.3)

binom_stats = binom.stats(n=10, p=0.3)

print(sample_describe.mean, sample_describe.variance, mean, variance, binom_stats)

Calculating the mean and variance of a sample

for i in range(0, 1500):

sample = binom.rvs(n=10, p=0.25, size=10)



print(“Mean {}”.format(describe(averages).mean))

print(“Variance {}”.format(describe(variances).mean))

print(binom.stats(n=10, p=0.25))

Chepter -2

Any overlap?

When you calculate probabilities for multiple events the most important thing to notice is the relation between the events, in particular, if there is any overlap between any two events.

· What would be the formula to calculate the probability of A or B, given that A and B are not mutually exclusive?

Possible Answers

· P(A and B) = P(A) + P(B)

· P(A or B) = P(A) — P(B) + P(A and B)

· P(A or B) = P(A)P(B) — P(A and B)

· P(A or B) = P(A) + P(B) — P(A and B) — Ans

Measuring a sample

# Count how many times you got 2 heads from the sample data

count_2_heads = find_repeats(sample_of_two_coin_flips).counts[2]

# Divide the number of heads by the total number of draws

prob_2_heads = count_2_heads / 1000

# Display the result


# Get the relative frequency from sample_of_two_coin_flips

# Set numbins as 3

# Extract frequency

rel_freq = relfreq(sample_of_two_coin_flips, numbins=3).frequency


# Probability of getting 0, 1, or 2 from the distribution

probabilities = binom.pmf([0,1,2], n=2, p=0.5)


Joint probabilities

# Individual probabilities

P_Eng_works = 0.99

P_GearB_works = 0.995

# Joint probability calculation

P_both_works = P_Eng_works * P_GearB_works


# Individual probabilities

P_Eng_fails = 0.01

P_Eng_works = 0.99

P_GearB_fails = 0.005

P_GearB_works = 0.995

# Joint probability calculation

P_only_GearB_fails = P_GearB_fails * P_Eng_works

P_only_Eng_fails = P_Eng_fails * P_GearB_works

# Calculate result

P_one_fails = P_only_GearB_fails + P_only_Eng_fails


# Individual probabilities

P_Eng_fails = 0.01

P_Eng_works = 0.99

P_GearB_fails = 0.005

P_GearB_works = 0.995

# Joint probability calculation

P_EngW_GearBW = P_Eng_works * P_GearB_works

P_EngF_GearBF = P_Eng_fails * P_GearB_fails

# Calculate result

P_fails_or_works = P_EngW_GearBW + P_EngF_GearBF


Deck of cards

# Ace probability

P_Ace = 4/52

# Not Ace probability

P_not_Ace = 1 — P_Ace


# Figure probabilities

P_Hearts = 13/52

P_Diamonds = 13/52

# Probability of red calculation

P_Red = P_Hearts + P_Diamonds


# Figure probabilities

P_Jack = 4/52

P_Spade = 13/52

# Joint probability

P_Jack_n_Spade = 1/52

# Probability of Jack or spade

P_Jack_or_Spade = P_Jack + P_Spade — P_Jack_n_Spade


# Figure probabilities

P_King = 4/52

P_Queen = 4/52

# Joint probability

P_King_n_Queen = 0

# Probability of King or Queen

P_King_or_Queen = P_King + P_Queen — P_King_n_Queen


Delayed flights

# Needed quantities

On_time = 241

Total_departures = 276

# Probability calculation

P_On_time = On_time / Total_departures


# Needed quantities

P_On_time = 241 / 276

# Probability calculation

P_Delayed = 1 — P_On_time


# Needed quantities

Delayed_on_Tuesday = 24

On_Tuesday = 138

# Probability calculation

P_Delayed_g_Tuesday = Delayed_on_Tuesday / On_Tuesday


# Needed quantities

Delayed_on_Friday = 11

On_Friday = 138

# Probability calculation

P_Delayed_g_Friday = Delayed_on_Friday / On_Friday


Contingency table

# Individual probabilities

P_Red = 26/52

P_Red_n_Ace = 2/52

# Conditional probability calculation

P_Ace_given_Red = P_Red_n_Ace / P_Red


# Individual probabilities

P_Ace = 4/52

P_Ace_n_Black = 2/52

# Conditional probability calculation

P_Black_given_Ace = P_Ace_n_Black / P_Ace


# Individual probabilities

P_Black = 26/52

P_Black_n_Non_ace = 24/52

# Conditional probability calculation

P_Non_ace_given_Black = P_Black_n_Non_ace / P_Black


# Individual probabilities

P_Non_ace = 48/52

P_Non_ace_n_Red = 24/52

# Conditional probability calculation

P_Red_given_Non_ace = P_Non_ace_n_Red / P_Non_ace


More cards

P_first_Jack = 4/52

P_Jack_given_Jack = 3/51

# Joint probability calculation

P_two_Jacks = P_first_Jack * P_Jack_given_Jack


# Needed probabilities

P_Spade = 13/52

P_Spade_n_Ace = 1/52

# Conditional probability calculation

P_Ace_given_Spade = P_Spade_n_Ace / P_Spade


# Needed probabilities

P_Face_card = 12/52

P_Face_card_n_Queen = 4/52

# Conditional probability calculation

P_Queen_given_Face_card = P_Face_card_n_Queen / P_Face_card


Formula 1 engines

# Needed probabilities

P_A = 0.7

P_last5000_g_A = 0.99

P_B = 0.3

P_last5000_g_B = 0.95

# Total probability calculation

P_last_5000 = P_A * P_last5000_g_A + P_B * P_last5000_g_B



# Individual probabilities

P_X = 0.43

# Conditional probabilities

P_Support_g_X = 0.53

# Total probability calculation

P_X_n_Support = P_X * P_Support_g_X


# Individual probabilities

P_Z = 0.32

# Conditional probabilities

P_Support_g_Z = 0.32

P_NoSupport_g_Z = 1 — P_Support_g_Z

# Total probability calculation

P_Z_n_NoSupport = P_Z * P_NoSupport_g_Z


# Individual probabilities

P_X = 0.43

P_Y = 0.25

P_Z = 0.32

# Conditional probabilities

P_Support_g_X = 0.53

P_Support_g_Y = 0.67

P_Support_g_Z = 0.32

# Total probability calculation

P_Support = P_X * P_Support_g_X + P_Y * P_Support_g_Y + P_Z * P_Support_g_Z



In many situations we find events that depend on other events, and we are interested in calculating probabilities taking into consideration such relations.

On the other hand, many problems can be studied by classifying the elements in our sample space. It is easier to work with classifications that do not have elements in common — i.e., that do not overlap. Using this context, please answer the following question:

· Why is Bayes’ rule important?

Possible Answers

· It allows you to calculate conditional probabilities.

· It allows you to calculate conditional probabilities for events that can be partitions in nonoverlapping parts. — Ans

· It allows you to calculate joint probabilities.

· It was discovered by the Presbyterian minister Thomas Bayes.

Factories and parts

# Individual probabilities & conditional probabilities

P_V1 = 0.5

P_V2 = 0.25

P_V3 = 0.25

P_D_g_V1 = 0.01

P_D_g_V2 = 0.02

P_D_g_V3 = 0.03

# Probability of Damaged

P_Damaged = (P_V1 * P_D_g_V1) + (P_V2 * P_D_g_V2) + (P_V3 * P_D_g_V3)

# Bayes’ rule for P(V1|D)

P_V1_g_D = (P_V1 * P_D_g_V1) / P_Damaged


# Individual probabilities & conditional probabilities

P_V1 = 0.5

P_V2 = 0.25

P_V3 = 0.25

P_D_g_V1 = 0.01

P_D_g_V2 = 0.02

P_D_g_V3 = 0.03

# Probability of Damaged

P_Damaged = (P_V1 * P_D_g_V1) + (P_V2 * P_D_g_V2) + (P_V3 * P_D_g_V3)

# Bayes’ rule for P(V2|D)

P_V2_g_D = (P_V2 * P_D_g_V2) / P_Damaged


# Individual probabilities & conditional probabilities

P_V1 = 0.5

P_V2 = 0.25

P_V3 = 0.25

P_D_g_V1 = 0.01

P_D_g_V2 = 0.02

P_D_g_V3 = 0.03

# Probability of Damaged

P_Damaged = (P_V1 * P_D_g_V1) + (P_V2 * P_D_g_V2) + (P_V3 * P_D_g_V3)

# Bayes’ rule for P(V3|D)

P_V3_g_D = (P_V3 * P_D_g_V3) / P_Damaged


Swine flu blood test

# Probability of having Swine_flu

P_Swine_flu = 1./9000

# Probability of not having Swine_flu

P_no_Swine_flu = 1 — P_Swine_flu

# Probability of being positive given that you have Swine_flu

P_Positive_g_Swine_flu = 1

# Probability of being positive given that you do not have Swine_flu

P_Positive_g_no_Swine_flu = 0.01

# Probability of Positive

P_Positive = (P_Swine_flu * P_Positive_g_Swine_flu) + (P_no_Swine_flu * P_Positive_g_no_Swine_flu)

# Bayes’ rule for P(Swine_flu|Positive)

P_Swine_flu_g_Positive = (P_Swine_flu * P_Positive_g_Swine_flu) / P_Positive


# Individual probabilities & conditional probabilities

P_Swine_flu = 1./350

P_no_Swine_flu = 1 — P_Swine_flu

P_Positive_g_Swine_flu = 1

P_Positive_g_no_Swine_flu = 0.01

# Probability of Positive

P_Positive = (P_Swine_flu * P_Positive_g_Swine_flu) + (P_no_Swine_flu * P_Positive_g_no_Swine_flu)

# Bayes’ rule for P(Swine_flu|Positive)

P_Swine_flu_g_Positive = (P_Swine_flu * P_Positive_g_Swine_flu) / P_Positive


# Individual probabilities & conditional probabilities

P_Swine_flu = 1./350

P_no_Swine_flu = 1 — P_Swine_flu

P_Positive_g_Swine_flu = 1

P_Positive_g_no_Swine_flu = 0.02

# Probability of Positive

P_Positive = P_Swine_flu * P_Positive_g_Swine_flu + P_no_Swine_flu * P_Positive_g_no_Swine_flu

# Bayes’ rule for P(Swine_flu|Positive)

P_Swine_flu_g_Positive = (P_Swine_flu * P_Positive_g_Swine_flu) / P_Positive



Range of values

Suppose the scores on a given academic test are normally distributed, with a mean of 65 and standard deviation of 10.

What would be the range of scores two standard deviations from the mean

Possible Answers

· 10 and 65

· 55 and 75

· 45 and 85 — Ans

· 35 and 95

Plotting normal distributions

# Import norm, matplotlib.pyplot, and seaborn

from scipy.stats import norm

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

# Create the sample using norm.rvs()

sample = norm.rvs(loc=3.15, scale=1.5, size=10000, random_state=13)

# Plot the sample



Within three standard deviations

The heights of every employee in a company have been measured, and they are distributed normally with a mean of 168 cm and a standard deviation of 12 cm.

· What is the probability of getting a height within three standard deviations of the mean?

Possible Answers

· 68%

· 95%

· 99.7% — Ans

· 30%

Restaurant spending example

# Probability of spending $3 or less

spending = norm.cdf(3, loc=3.15, scale=1.5)


# Probability of spending more than $5

spending = norm.sf(5, loc=3.15, scale=1.5)


# Probability of spending more than $2.15 and $4.15 or less

spending_4 = norm.cdf(4.15, loc=3.15, scale=1.5)

spending_2 = norm.cdf(2.15, loc=3.15, scale=1.5)

print(spending_4 — spending_2)

# Probability of spending $2.15 or less or more than $4.15

spending_2 = norm.cdf(2.15, loc=3.15, scale=1.5)

spending_over_4 = norm.sf(4.15, loc=3.15, scale=1.5)

print(spending_2 + spending_over_4)

Smartphone battery example

# Probability that battery will last less than 3 hours

less_than_3h = norm.cdf(3, loc=5, scale=1.5)


# Probability that battery will last more than 3 hours

more_than_3h = norm.sf(3, loc=5, scale=1.5)


# Probability that battery will last between 5 and 7 hours

P_less_than_7h = norm.cdf(7, loc=5, scale=1.5)

P_less_than_5h = norm.cdf(5, loc=5, scale=1.5)

print(P_less_than_7h — P_less_than_5h)

Adults’ heights example

# Values one standard deviation from mean height for females

interval = norm.interval(0.68, loc=65, scale=3.5)


# Value where the tallest males fall with 0.01 probability

tallest = norm.ppf(0.99, loc=70, scale=4)


# Probability of being taller than 73 inches for males and females

P_taller_male = norm.sf(73, loc=70, scale=4)

P_taller_female = norm.sf(73, loc=65, scale=3.5)

print(P_taller_male, P_taller_female)

# Probability of being shorter than 61 inches for males and females

P_shorter_male = norm.cdf(61, loc=70, scale=4)

P_shorter_female = norm.cdf(61, loc=65, scale=3.5)

print(P_shorter_male, P_shorter_female)

ATM example

# Import poisson from scipy.stats

from scipy.stats import poisson

# Probability of more than 1 customer

probability = poisson.sf(k=1, mu=1)

# Print the result


Highway accidents example

# Import the poisson object

from scipy.stats import poisson

# Probability of 5 accidents any day

P_five_accidents = poisson.pmf(k=5, mu=2)

# Print the result


# Import the poisson object

from scipy.stats import poisson

# Probability of having 4 or 5 accidents on any day

P_less_than_6 = poisson.cdf(k=5, mu=2)

P_less_than_4 = poisson.cdf(k=3, mu=2)

# Print the result

print(P_less_than_6 — P_less_than_4)

# Import the poisson object

from scipy.stats import poisson

# Probability of more than 3 accidents any day

P_more_than_3 = poisson.sf(k=3, mu=2)

# Print the result


# Import the poisson object

from scipy.stats import poisson

# Number of accidents with 0.75 probability

accidents = poisson.ppf(q=0.75, mu=2)

# Print the result


Generating and plotting Poisson distributions

# Import poisson, matplotlib.pyplot, and seaborn

from scipy.stats import poisson

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

# Create the sample

sample = poisson.rvs(mu=2, size=10000, random_state=13)

# Plot the sample

sns.distplot(sample, kde=False)


Catching salmon example

# Getting a salmon on the third attempt

probability = geom.pmf(k=3, p=0.0333)

# Print the result


# Probability of getting a salmon in less than 5 attempts

probability = geom.cdf(k=4, p=0.0333)

# Print the result


# Probability of getting a salmon in less than 21 attempts

probability = geom.cdf(k=20, p=0.0333)

# Print the result


# Attempts for 0.9 probability of catching a salmon

attempts = geom.ppf(q=0.9, p=0.0333)

# Print the result


Free throws example

# Import geom from scipy.stats

from scipy.stats import geom

# Probability of missing first and scoring on second throw

probability = geom.pmf(k=2, p=0.3)

# Print the result


Generating and plotting geometric distributions

# Import geom, matplotlib.pyplot, and seaborn

from scipy.stats import geom

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

import seaborn as sns

# Create the sample

sample = geom.rvs(p=0.3, size=10000, random_state=13)

# Plot the sample

sns.distplot(sample, bins = np.linspace(0,20,21), kde=False)



Generating a sample

# Import the binom object

from scipy.stats import binom

# Generate a sample of 250 newborn children

sample = binom.rvs(n=1, p=0.505, size=250, random_state=42)

# Show the sample values


Calculating the sample mean

# Print the sample mean of the first 10 samples


# Print the sample mean of the first 50 samples


# Print the sample mean of the first 250 samples


Plotting the sample mean

# Calculate sample mean and store it on averages array

averages = []

for i in range(2, 251):


# Calculate sample mean and store it on averages array

averages = []

for i in range(2, 251):


# Add population mean line and sample mean plot

plt.axhline(binom.mean(n=1, p=0.505), color=’red’)

plt.plot(averages, ‘-’)

# Calculate sample mean and store it on averages array

averages = []

for i in range(2, 251):


# Add population mean line and sample mean plot

plt.axhline(binom.mean(n=1, p=0.505), color=’red’)

plt.plot(averages, ‘-’)

# Add legend

plt.legend((“Population mean”,”Sample mean”), loc=’upper right’)


Sample means

# Create list for sample means

sample_means = []

for _ in range(1500):

# Take 20 values from the population

sample = np.random.choice(population, 20)

# Create list for sample means

sample_means = []

for _ in range(1500):

# Take 20 values from the population

sample = np.random.choice(population, 20)

# Calculate the sample mean


# Create list for sample means

sample_means = []

for _ in range(1500):

# Take 20 values from the population

sample = np.random.choice(population, 20)

# Calculate the sample mean


# Plot the histogram


plt.xlabel(“Sample mean values”)




Inspecting the plot, what is the distribution of the sample mean?

Possible Answers

· Same as the generated sample

· Binomial

· Normal –Ans

Sample means follow a normal distribution

# Generate the population

population = geom.rvs(p=0.5, size=1000)

# Create list for sample means

sample_means = []

for _ in range(3000):

# Take 20 values from the population

sample = np.random.choice(population, 20)

# Calculate the sample mean


# Plot the histogram



# Generate the population

population = poisson.rvs(mu=2, size=1000)

# Create list for sample means

sample_means = []

for _ in range(1500):

# Take 20 values from the population

sample = np.random.choice(population, 20)

# Calculate the sample mean


# Plot the histogram



Adding dice rolls

# Configure random generator


# Generate the sample

sample1 = roll_dice(2000)

# Plot the sample

plt.hist(sample1, bins=range(1, 8), width=0.9)


# Configure random generator


# Generate two samples of 2000 dice rolls

sample1 = roll_dice(2000)

sample2 = roll_dice(2000)

# Add the first two samples

sum_of_1_and_2 = np.add(sample1, sample2)

# Plot the sum

plt.hist(sum_of_1_and_2, bins=range(2, 14), width=0.9)


# Configure random generator


# Generate the samples

sample1 = roll_dice(2000)

sample2 = roll_dice(2000)

sample3 = roll_dice(2000)

# Add the first two samples

sum_of_1_and_2 = np.add(sample1, sample2)

# Add the first two with the third sample

sum_of_3_samples = np.add(sum_of_1_and_2, sample3)

# Plot the result

plt.hist(sum_of_3_samples, bins=range(3, 20), width=0.9)


Fitting a model

# Import the linregress() function

from scipy.stats import linregress

# Get the model parameters

slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress(hours_of_study, scores)

# Print the linear model parameters

print(‘slope:’, slope)

print(‘intercept:’, intercept)

Predicting test scores

# Get the predicted test score for given hours of study

score = slope*10 + intercept

print(‘score:’, score)

# Get the predicted test score for given hours of study

score = slope*9 + intercept

print(‘score:’, score)

# Get the predicted test score for given hours of study

score = slope*12 + intercept

print(‘score:’, score)

Studying residuals

# Scatterplot of hours of study and test scores

plt.scatter(hours_of_study_A, test_scores_A)

# Plot of hours_of_study_values_A and predicted values

plt.plot(hours_of_study_values_A, model_A.predict(hours_of_study_values_A))

plt.title(“Model A”, fontsize=25)


# Calculate the residuals

residuals_A = model_A.predict(hours_of_study_A) — test_scores_A

# Make a scatterplot of residuals of model_A

plt.scatter(hours_of_study_A, residuals_A)

# Add reference line and title and show plot

plt.hlines(0, 0, 30, colors=’r’, linestyles=’ — ‘)

plt.title(“Residuals plot of Model A”, fontsize=25)


# Scatterplot of hours of study and test scores

plt.scatter(hours_of_study_B, test_scores_B)

# Plot of hours_of_study_values_B and predicted values

plt.plot(hours_of_study_values_B, model_B.predict(hours_of_study_values_B))

plt.title(“Model B”, fontsize=25)


# Calculate the residuals

residuals_B = model_B.predict(hours_of_study_B) — test_scores_B

# Make a scatterplot of residuals of model_B

plt.scatter(hours_of_study_B, residuals_B)

# Add reference line and title and show plot

plt.hlines(0, 0, 30, colors=’r’, linestyles=’ — ‘)

plt.title(“Residuals plot of Model B”, fontsize=25)


Fitting a logistic model

# Import LogisticRegression

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression

# sklearn logistic model

model = LogisticRegression(C=1e9)

model.fit(hours_of_study, outcomes)

# Get parameters

beta1 = model.coef_[0][0]

beta0 = model.intercept_[0]

# Print parameters

print(beta1, beta0)

Predicting if students will pass

# Specify values to predict

hours_of_study_test = [[10], [11], [12], [13], [14]]

# Pass values to predict

predicted_outcomes = model.predict(hours_of_study_test)


# Set value in array

value = np.asarray(11).reshape(-1,1)

# Probability of passing the test with 11 hours of study

print(“Probability of passing test “, model.predict_proba(value)[:,1])

Passing two tests

# Specify values to predict

hours_of_study_test_A = [[6], [7], [8], [9], [10]]

# Pass values to predict

predicted_outcomes_A = model_A.predict(hours_of_study_test_A)


# Specify values to predict

hours_of_study_test_B = [[3], [4], [5], [6]]

# Pass values to predict

predicted_outcomes_B = model_B.predict(hours_of_study_test_B)


# Set value in array

value_A = np.asarray(8.6).reshape(-1,1)

# Probability of passing test A with 8.6 hours of study

print(“The probability of passing test A with 8.6 hours of study is “, model_A.predict_proba(value_A)[:,1])

# Set value in array

value_B = np.asarray(4.7).reshape(-1,1)

# Probability of passing test B with 4.7 hours of study

print(“The probability of passing test B with 4.7 hours of study is “, model_B.predict_proba(value_B)[:,1])

# Print the hours required to have 0.5 probability on model_A

print(“Minimum hours of study for test A are “, -model_A.intercept_/model_A.coef_)

# Print the hours required to have 0.5 probability on model_B

print(“Minimum hours of study for test B are “, -model_B.intercept_/model_B.coef_)

# Probability calculation for each value of study_hours

prob_passing_A = model_A.predict_proba(study_hours_A.reshape(-1,1))[:,1]

prob_passing_B = model_B.predict_proba(study_hours_B.reshape(-1,1))[:,1]

# Calculate the probability of passing both tests

prob_passing_A_and_B = prob_passing_A * prob_passing_B

# Maximum probability value

max_prob = max(prob_passing_A_and_B)

# Position where we get the maximum value

max_position = np.where(prob_passing_A_and_B == max_prob)[0][0]

# Study hours for each test

print(“Study {:1.0f} hours for the first and {:1.0f} hours for the second test and you will pass both tests with {:01.2f} probability.”.format(study_hours_A[max_position], study_hours_B[max_position], max_prob))

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Thursday, February 10, 2022

Getting Started with Git | Git Command

 Git Commands

In this artical/blog i will explain you all the basic commands of Git

To check Version of Git  write the command :- git --version

So it means git is successfully installed in our system.

So now we will run some commands and the first command will be will run is :-

git config --global user.name "NitinPrajapati"

By this on the system it has registered or stored this gate username so it will not ask you the username always when you are doing a commit and push 

So we can just configure all this one time.

Now if you run the same command without the username it should show you the username that is added   

git config --global user.name

Now similarly the next command that we will use in we will say is we will say 

git config --global user.email "prajapatinitin393@gmail.com"

So here i'm just giving my email that i have used for creating an gitlab 

And again if you run the command without giving the Email it should show you the email

git config --global user.email

Now our next step will be create a demo project or a folder and then we will add to git

Now i am going to use some commands to create folders first of all i want to create a folder or directory in my desktop

cd desktop

Now for creating folder or directories

mkdir Gitlab\OurFirstProject

As you can see our folder is successfully created here 

And now here is the trick if you go to address bar and simply type cmd it will directly open this file location in your command prompt

This will save you a little bit of time .

You can also do this thing manually by using the change directory command

Here is the Tutorial video which is based upon GitLab👇👇

Now here i want to initialize git in this folder :- git init

this is the command to initialize git

As you can see it says initialized empty git repository in this location

As you can see here one hidden folder , see this hidden file , in your folder you have to enable view for hidden file

Now the next command we will use is :- git status

So this will show you 

you are branch master and there are no commits yet

So we do not have any change or any files to commit


I am going to create a new text file here in our folder

So for creating a file:- cd>Readme.txt


Again if I do “Git Status”

Now you can see

It says “This is Untracked file “Readme.txt””

So now

We have to add this file :- git add Readme.txt

Suppose we have lots of file here and we want to add that untracked file

So for that :- git add .

This will add all the Untracked file , Now If I again write:- git status

As you can see now its showing in green that means it’s now ready to be committed 

Now we have to commit our changes so

For that

Command is :- git commit -m "my first commit"

you can see This commit is now done.

but If you go to your GitLab account and in your repository or project

You can’t see any changes there because we have just commit our changes

We have not yet push the changes or we have not yet edit anything in our repository

So For that

We have to use a command :- git push -u origin master or in place of origin you can use the url of yodur repository

So I am going to add URL of my repository 

Now if i press Enter this is asking me for my Git Credential

We have to provide our username and password

It maybe for the first time

Now As you can see it’s 100% done

And everything is done 

Now if you go to your Repository on GitLab

You should see your changes here

The changes are here

If I see here this is “Readme.txt” file here

It shows my first commit

which was done two minutes ago.

So this how you can use Git and commit push and pull changes to GitLab

we will also see more commands in the future and in the coming Artical/Blog we will see more on forking project 

creating branches and many other things 

So I hope this all was very useful for you and hope you enjoyed to read this Artical/blog .

If you have any doubts or any questions

please write them down in the comment section below and

I will try to answer you as soon as I can.

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Wednesday, February 9, 2022

GitLab Integration With JIRA


GitLab and Jira integration

What is Jira?

Jira is a software application used for issue tracking and project management. The tool, developed by the Australian software company Atlassian, has become widely used by agile development teams to track bugs, stories, epics, and other tasks.

Integration Options :

There are two ways to integrate Jira into Gitlab. You may configure both ways – I have before, but which you choose will entirely depend on how you want your Integration to work and where you want to set up the Integration.


The first Integration is set up in Jira using its DVCS Accounts page. This will allow you to use the Developer Panel in your issues and enable you to use Smart Commits to perform actions within your Jira instance. An important caveat that none of the documents mention is for this to work, your Repos on Gitlab must be under groups and not users. Ask me how long that took me to figure out.


The Second Integration is set up within Gitlab. This will enable Gitlab to post a comment on Jira issues whenever an Issue ID is posted in any commit, merge request or branch name.

Gitlab’s Jira Integration.

To access it, as an Admin on Gitlab, you need to go to Menu -> Admin -> Settings -> Integrations. Then under “Add an integration,” Find Jira and click on it.

In the GitLab integration setup for Jira, click "enable Jira issues."

Add your proejct key into the GitLab integration setup for Jira.

On this page, first click on “Enable Integration.” Then you will select where you want it to trigger from – either comments or merge requests. This will be where it searches for Issue IDs to run the Integration from.


Then select “Enable Comments,” then select how much detail you want in the comments it generates.


Give your jira URL in Web Url section and Enter your Username in Username and Email Section

And Enter API Tocken

For API Tocken you first of all you need to create api tocken in jira

So lets move on the JIRA

Steps :-> Click : “Profile” => “Manage your account” => “Security”

And then click on Api Tocken I will Screenshot below


Now After Creating API Tocken , give api tocken in GitLab

After Adding API Tocken Click Test Setting Then Your Integraction Part is Successful.

You need to create Board in Jira it’s very simple.

After creating board you need to check  your integration go to your  Git Repository  upload your folder or file then do commit for changes in got repository

And you can got a comment in jira Software Like this:


If these features do not work as expected, it is likely due to a problem with the way the integration settings were configured.


GitLab is unable to comment on a Jira issue

Make sure that the Jira user you set up for the integration has the correct access permission to post comments on a Jira issue and also to transition the issue, if you’d like GitLab to also be able to do so. Jira issue references and update comments will not work if the GitLab issue tracker is disabled.


GitLab is unable to close a Jira issue

Make sure the Transition ID you set within the Jira settings matches the one your project needs to close an issue. Make sure that the Jira issue is not already marked as resolved; that is, the Jira issue resolution field is not set. (It should not be struck through in Jira lists.)


GitLab helps teams ship software faster with technology integration options, such as the integration with Jira, that automate tasks, provide visibility into development progress and the greater end-to-end software lifecycle. We recognize that many companies use Jira for Agile project management and our seamless integration brings Jira together with GitLab.

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