Wednesday, January 3, 2018

Connect to Amazon EC2 file directory using Filezilla and SFTP

How to upload/download files to ec2 Instance using FileZilla and SFTP

In this tutorial you will learn how to upload/download files to ec2 Instance using FileZilla and SFTP

1. Convert (.pem) file to (.ppk) which was downloaded during    Instance creation using putty key generator file.

2. Add public IP/Elastic IP in host address, add port 22, user name    ubuntu (If in ubuntu OS) of your ec2 instance.

3. Then click on Edit--Settings--Sftp add your .ppk file

4. Then click on quick connect

5. Now just drag and drop to upload and download files.

How to Use Filezilla with Amazon Web Services EC2

1) Go to
2) Create a free account if you haven't created an account already
3) Go to Amazon Web Services Management Console
4) Select region and go to EC2
5) Create instance (Ubuntu is step 1 AMI that I chose)
6) Step 6, choose Security group and include HTTP, HTTPS, and 8080 along with the default SSH
7) Launch that instance and download the pem file

Get that Filezilla
2) Download the client and proceed to set-up
3) Make sure you decline all those extra programs
4) Install Filezilla
5) Settings go to SFTP, and add the pem file, save the ppk file
6) Put the DNS into the hostname, user for Ubuntu instances is ubuntu, and make sure that the port is 22
7) Connect into your virtual instance via Filezilla!

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