Thursday, October 10, 2019

Route53 to S3 Redirection

Route53 to S3 Redirection
Route53 to S3 Redirection
Create Hosted Zone for the domain that you want to redirect to s3
Create S3 bucket with the same name as your domain

Note: The sites must use HTTP because the redirect 
can't connect to Amazon S3 over HTTPS.

Select the bucket you just created, and then choose
Properties. Expand the Static Website Hosting
drop-down menu, and then choose Redirect all
requests to another hostname.

In the Redirect all requests to another hostname
field, enter, and then choose Save.

In the Route 53 console, select the hosted zone

Create a resource record for with
the following values: Record Type: Choose A –
IPv4 address. Alias: Choose Yes. Alias Target:
Select the blank value field, expand the drop-down
menu, and then choose your S3 bucket under the
heading S3 Website Endpoints.

You should now be able to redirect your domain to s3.
you can confirm this by adding index.html file in s3 and
check with your DNS.


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