Thursday, June 20, 2019

Python Set Example-1

Python Set Example

# A set is an unordered collection of Unique elements.
print (seta)

l = ['apple','banana','orange','graps']
print ("object type is", type(l),)
b=set(l) # converted List into set objects
print ("Object Type is ", type(b),)

s = {'apple','banana','orange','graps'}
print ("object type is", type(s),)
c=set(s) # converted List into set objects
print ("Object Type is ", type(c),)

print ("define variable",example)

print ("define variable",example)

print("copy set example",d)

print("removed a element from example set",example)

list1 = [1, 2, 3]
list2 = [5, 6, 7]
set1 = set(list2)
set2 = set(list1)

# Update method

# Print the updated set
print("set update example",set1)

example.discard ('c')
print ("discard c example",example)

print ("clear example",example)

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