Monday, June 3, 2019

Python Tutorial For Beginners : Section -1

Python Tutorial For Beginners: Section-1 Number ( Integer, Float, Complex, Boolean )

#Python Numbers variable

#print Variable as define format here define is an integer
print (a)
#output would be

#print Variable as integer convert from define format he a=12 is integer hence will
print (int(a))
#output would be

#print variable as float value from integer as denine
print (float(a))
#output would be

#print variable as complex value from integer as denine

print (complex(a))
#output would be

#for float value change to inter will work like as below
print (int(b))
#output would be the integer value as

# How do we find the variable type from definirion of variable
print (type(a))
#ouput would be
#<class 'int'>

print (type(a))
#ouput would be
#<class 'float'>

print (type(a))
#ouput would be
#<class 'complex'>

print (type(a))
#ouput would be
#<class 'bool'>

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